How to keep grass from growing so fast

Maintaining a beautiful lawn is a rewarding endeavor, but it often comes with the tedious task of frequent mowing. Mowing four times (or more) a month can feel like a never-ending chore for many homeowners. Fortunately, there's a solution that reduces mowing frequency and enhances your lawn's overall health: growth regulators.

green lawn in tulsa ok

What are growth regulators?

Growth regulators slow grass growth and significantly decrease the need for frequent mowing. Professional lawn care services apply growth regulators, ensuring they are used correctly and effectively.

Cutting mowing frequency in half

One of the primary benefits of using growth regulators is the reduction in mowing frequency. Typically, a well-maintained lawn requires mowing about four times a month, especially during the growing season. With the application of growth regulators, this frequency can be cut in half, reducing the need to mow to just twice a month. This saves time and reduces the physical effort required to keep your lawn neat and tidy.

Additional benefits of growth regulators

While the reduction in mowing is a significant advantage, growth regulators also offer other benefits that contribute to a healthier and more attractive lawn:

A thicker lawn
Growth regulators help promote lateral growth instead of vertical growth. This results in a denser, thicker lawn as the grass spreads out more evenly across the surface. A thicker lawn is not only more aesthetically pleasing but also more resilient to stress and wear.

Disease prevention
A well-maintained lawn with consistent growth is less susceptible to diseases. Growth regulators can help create a more robust grass structure that is better equipped to fend off common lawn diseases. By keeping the grass at an optimal height and density, growth regulators minimize the conditions that favor the development of fungal infections and other lawn diseases.

Prevent insect damage 
Insects can cause significant damage to lawns, leading to unsightly patches and weakened grass. Growth regulators contribute to a healthier lawn by fostering stronger, more resilient grass that is less attractive to pests. Additionally, a thicker lawn can help choke out weeds, which often serve as breeding grounds for insects.

Contact Nutri-Green to learn about growth regulators 

Contact a professional lawn care service for assistance in achieving the best results with growth regulators. If you’re in the Tulsa metro and looking for a local lawn care company, call or complete the form below! We’d be happy to stop by to look at your lawn and recommend a solution that will help you achieve a healthy lawn with less mowing!

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Nutri-Green is turning my brown bald lawn into a plush wonderful lawn. The eye-sore of the neighborhood is turning into the envy of the neighborhood. I will always use Nutri-Green.
Glen S. - Tulsa, OK
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